About Barb Robitaille

I've always been intuitive.

As a young girl I made altars out of shoe boxes covered with aluminum foil, flowers and statues of Mary. I’ve always been comfortable with a sense of being at home in both worlds, believing there is no separation between the Divine and our human hearts. I studied comparative religions and have been a lifelong student of the invisible world.

​Coaching was a natural fit for me. I am a certified Soul/Life Coach through Denise Linn’s Soul Coaching® Program. I went on to become a Reiki Master and Advanced Practitioner of SRT (Spiritual Response Technique) an energy clearing modality.

Through my training and my life experience, I’ve honed my unique ability to sense energy and shift it. Clients remark on the ease they feel during and after our sessions – like the lifting of a weight. My greatest inspiration? Helping you uncover your true and authentic self, so you can shine more brightly in the world. 

"Barb showed me myself. She taught me how to put the thoughts of others aside in order to hear my own inner voice."

What I believe.

I believe our hearts hold the truth of who we are. Too often our mind’s thinking eclipses the wisdom of our heart.

We are here to shine, to contribute in ways that hold direction of meaning and purpose for our hearts; to live and view life through a lens of compassion and truth…and this through being true to ourselves in a genuine way. Our souls love the truth.

We adapted and lost direction along the way, often with hopes of finding our place in the world, yet fearful to do anything that might prove too odd or too much, hoping we’d be happy because we’d done everything we thought we should do. All too often, we let go of–or shut down the best parts of–who we are; the parts that define our uniqueness and the gifts we are here to share.

It’s time to re-claim and delight in who we are; to be our genuine selves in a world desperate for truth and beauty. 

This isn’t about changing who you are. This is about reclaiming all of who you are.

I believe we must take responsibility for our decisions and take back creative control of our lives ~ seeing change as a gift, an opportunity to uncover what will bring happiness and fulfillment. To move from living in fear to faith.

We like life to feel “tidy”, but life can’t be tidied up. It’s possible for a while, but I can guarantee you something will happen to cause your tidy package to come undone. I speculate it’s supposed to…the Divine is calling you to an authentic life and if you’ve created a life conforming to other’s ideas of who you are, what you do and how to define success, then the Universe is going to rattle your cage to invite you to dig down deep and ask “Who am I, really?”.  I would add an eleventh commandment…Thou shall not should thyself. I love supporting clients in shedding the “should’s”.

Life may not be tidy, but it is beautiful.  

Happiness comes and goes. Joy is always waiting for us in the beauty and wonder that surrounds us even when we are in the midst of challenges ~ we must choose to embrace it…to take the time to feel deeply grateful…for the most ordinary of days, for the sound of children laughing on the playground, raindrops falling on the roof, or curling up with a book and a cup of tea.

​Laughter will lighten whatever burden our heart carries. Laugh often.

Our ordinary lives hold such wonder for our hearts. We need only be present to the unfolding.